Science Confirms Reconnective Healing

To date there have been about a dozen studies on Reconnective Healing, every one of which has found measurable positive effects.  Some highlights include:

Reconnective Healing improves depression, immune function and energy levels, finds PhD scientist
In 2008, Russian scientist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov studied 60 apparently healthy volunteers and found many statistically significant improvements in energy levels, immune function and mood - while the same indicators in the control group worsened.  Read more about this landmark study...

RH distance healing keeps severed leaves alive for up to 90 days in lab, trumping Reiki and Qigong
Healers in Los Angeles send healings to severed leaves in Arizona.  The control leaves died naturally; Reiki and Qigong kept them alive a little longer, but Reconnective Healing trumped the lot - keeping some leaves alive as long as 90 days! Read more...

Reconnective Healing beats traditional physical therapy in frozen shoulder trial; increases range of motion by double that of PT
A double-blind study comparing Reconnective Healing with Reiki, sham healing and physical therapy found that RH was over twice as effective at increasing range of motion in subjects with shoulder issues.  RH was also vastly superior to any other treatment at reducing the subjects' reported pain, although there was an unusual twist.  Read more...

Study finds more free energy in the room at a Reconnective Healing seminar than in a hot oven!
Prof. William Tiller has studied many different energy healing modalities, and has repeatedly observed that the free energy in the room increases while reported healings are taking place.  However, the free energy in the room at a RH seminar was off the charts, and was equivalent to a temperature increase of 300 degrees Celsius (or 572F) - more than a hot oven.  And that was just the first surprise! Read more...